Big apologies for the bugs, wait for a minor update in January!
For now use the tutorial for v3.1 pls
Also wait for an extended devlog on Christmas!
Nerdy dork with many interests!! :ь
Age 16, He/Him
Artist, coder
Joined on 3/18/21
Posted by NeronWhite - December 22nd, 2021
Big apologies for the bugs, wait for a minor update in January!
For now use the tutorial for v3.1 pls
Also wait for an extended devlog on Christmas!
Posted by NeronWhite - December 19th, 2021
Here's a quick video with Christmas deco for v3.2. Thx @ReallyR4ndom ;)
Actually, I'm very worried because not really done but v3.2 releases in a few days :/
I thought of releasing v3.2 on December 30th, but I'll try my best to make some of plans finished in the following week.
Posted by NeronWhite - December 10th, 2021
Why "Yee"? Well, this post will cover a lot of stuff >:) and I couldn't come up with a nice name.
(tl;dr at the end)
OOF, that was probably my longest post about the game news. I am tired of typing, time to stare at the ceiling for hours xD
Posted by NeronWhite - November 30th, 2021
Hello! Today I tried working on a save/load system in a new project, not SafeCrack! I didn't want to add this into the game this time, because this adds more stuff to my plans. I don't have really much time for gamedev this week, and the game releases on Christmas (yeah, it's official)!
But what new idea I REALLY want to add?
I thought about putting my puzzles into packs and making them more easy/difficult if you are completing a pack. They stay same in normal mode tho. And @J-Eyring gave me an idea of Christmas Pack! Bunch of puzzles (2 or 3) will be decorated for Christmas and made more difficult for the pack! Reward? 50 XP. Achievement? Yeah! Will call it "Cookies with milk". Other info about the pack is secret, and will be revealed in a YouTube video in a few weeks.
And, again, thanks J-Eyring for all the ideas!
Update: also I updated most of my games' descriptions (to add links to their tutorials), added tag "safecrack-tutorial", it's also here, click on it to see the tutorials :)
Posted by NeronWhite - November 28th, 2021
News: tried adding medals to my game on NG, guess it didn't work :/
Show-variable update:
So, instead of this code:
I choose an easier one, which basically says your variable value when mouse pointer is touching to a certain displayer. Yay less objects, coding and headaches!
Posted by NeronWhite - November 27th, 2021
Good to know I'm having fun making these!
Posted by NeronWhite - November 27th, 2021
Now this isn't a mouse, an elephant at least xD
Take a look at a new blue small menu with size settings. Also you can see the Neron Editor on the left
Posted by NeronWhite - November 24th, 2021
Today I worked on Neron Editor to (show off) be able to control my game even on NewGrounds (and give the Chosen ones this ability, too). I could have made it into keys on keybord, but I already did it (yeah in v3.1 you can press some keys to control some stuff, might tell about that later), and I wanted to clear space for the buttons, which will be helpful for you to complete puzzles, quick switching between levels, etc (most will be done in v3.2). Neron Editor looks visually like menu, so in my videos you wouldn't be confused what I'm doing to the game settings rn.
Also, new puzzle was already added and I will be doing testing of it. Puzzle 8 will be more difficult, thinking how exactly.
Show-variable system is doing ok, you can now not use scratch variables but custom sprites to see 4 stats:
Your Xp, times people played, times you played, your fails. Also all this stuff requires fixing Keyboard Mode and fixing button bugs.
v3.2 won't be released in November, I guess, maybe for Christmas?
That's all for now!
Posted by NeronWhite - November 20th, 2021
Heeeello? I think I've created quite many social media accounts but yeah here are the list of what you can follow if you're interested (from the most important to the least):